Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Welcome, a Warning, and a Fair Amount of Rambling

Dear Reader,

        I bid you welcome to my site. Here I will presume to place the writings that have entered my notebooks and journals and any errant thoughts that may accompany them. Some of what I will write is nonsense. On second thought most of what I say is nonsense. Therefore, if something I say is incapable of understanding for you then by all means, don't be troubled. It probably is incomprehensible to anyone. (Myself included.) If you don't like poetry then don't read it - no one is going to force you to. Unless of course there is a gun aimed at the back of your skull while a particularly violent person yells "Read it! Read it!" and then in which case I apologize and believe you had better do what the gun wielding poetry enthusiast says and content yourself on the fact that I am almost absolutely sure worse poetry has been written. Almost. On the topic of other writing I will mostly publish short stories and quotes so if you are allergic to either or both then I suggest you leave as well, unless the man from the poetry section of this introduction is at your house as well with his gun in which case, see the bit about poetry for advice. As for my thoughts, I cannot be held responsible for what bizarre and disturbing flights of fancy reside in my mind. Additionally there will more than likely be allusions to several inside jokes in this section. If you were invited to this site, you might probably get them. If you stumbled on it by accident or with no prior knowledge to this site's existence, you won't. And if you are currently confused and cannot seem to recall where you are or what you are doing, I suggest a warm cup of tea or coffee and a chocolate bar and then treat yourself to hot bath while taking any medications a qualified doctor or psychologist may have prescribed you. Other than that, if you are wondering if there may be obscene content or cursing in my writing; damn, shit, bitch, fuck, balls, and math. (For math should undoubtedly be considered a curse word and is in the very least obscene.)  If you offended by any of my work, I reserve the right to laugh and point at you. If you wish to cause me bodily harm please note that James Black is indeed a pseudonym and so causing physical damage to the next James Black you meet will only make for a good show and a funny story later and will more than likely cause me amusement and merriment. If you wish to leave me a dirty and/or hurtful message full of condescending hate and closed-minded-ness, please type it up, retype it in triplicate, print it out, mail it to a small Icelandic town, wait for it to be returned to you, shred it thrice, burn it, and as you shove the ashes into your mouth ponder to yourself  "where did I go wrong in life?" Otherwise, enjoy.

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